The Church of the Holy Ascension
Russian Orthodox Old-Rite Church
Старообрадческая Православная Церковь
Tone 5 Stichera to the Resurrection

Bring my sould out of prison, * that I may confess Thy name.

By Thy precious Cross O Christ, Thou hast put the devil to shame, ánd by Thy Resurrection, Thou hast blunted the sting of sin, and Thou hast saved us from the gates of death, We glorify Thee Only-Begotten one.


The righteous shall wait patiently for me, *until Thou shalt reward Me.

He who giveth the human race resurrection, was led like a sheep to the slaughter. The princes of Hades were terrified of Him, and the gates of weeping were lifted up, for there entered Christ the King of glory, saying to those in bonds, Come forth ye who are in the darkness show yourselves.


Out of the depths have I cried unto Thee O Lord, * O Lord hear my voice.

Great is the wonder! The Maker of things invisible, suffered in the flesh out of love for man, and He rose again being immortal. Come ye kindreds of nations, let us worship Him, for delivered from delusion by His loving-kindness, we have learned to hymn the one God in three Hypostases.